Friday 20 March 2015

Minóy\Zannóy ‎– "Mmmazammm" (ZH27 ‎– 181) 1985

We are taken on a journey through a cavernous railway terminus waiting area,into a raging forest fire,fanned by a Antarctic gale. Collapsing brutalist architecture on all sides mask the stifled cries of women and children beneath the rubble of  a nuclear winter; but the speaker system is still issuing instructions that no-one will hear.
This is as accurate an aural reconstruction of thee last days of man on earth as you're likely to hear.If you listen very carefully, one could almost hear the immortal last words of Captain Oates,"I'm just going outside, I may be some time!" Minóy and Zannóy left the safety of the tent sometime ago,and never returned;in Minóy's case he has now left for eternity.


1- Mmmazamm (30.53)

DOWNLOAD the DddddddownnnnnnLoaddddddd HERE!

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